There is something in my teeth, would you get it out for me!?
2006-06-22 17:05:19 UTC
thats fuckin teamwork
Six réponses:
2006-06-23 09:44:06 UTC
of cuz baby.just give your adress .

but brush your teeth before.

2006-06-24 07:55:10 UTC
you must go to the dentist it is the best solution for your problem.
2006-06-23 11:55:31 UTC
i'm not a dentist i can do anything for you sorry
2006-06-22 23:58:07 UTC
No thanks!!!!Beurkk!!!
2006-06-22 17:23:46 UTC
yes, be glad to ...

buy some pain killers before
2006-06-22 17:09:04 UTC
No i can't do that, i'm too big for u (sorry) !

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